
Falling through the sky

Because apparently the Warrior Dash wasn’t enough adventure for the month of May, Chris and I, along with 10 or so of our friends, signed up to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

This is the conversation that was had about two weeks before The Event.

Co-worker: Oh, you guys are going skydiving out at that place in Jamul?

Us: Yes, that’s the place!

Co-worker: My buddy used to work at that place, I know it pretty well. Lots of people around here skydive there. In fact, do you know that older guy who works for one of our clients?

Us: Oh, yeah, we know him! He skydives?

Co-worker: Yeah, he’s a certified instructor even. He’s been on thousands of jumps.

Chris (to me): See, there’s nothing to be nervous about. That guy’s been on thousands of jumps and he’s still standing!

Co-worker: (clears throat) Well, technically, I suppose he is. He does have two prosthetic legs. From a mid-air collision while skydiving.

In the end, however, we went and we jumped out of plane and we had a blast. I would totally do it again some time.