
The Office Football Pool

Our office, like many across the country, has a group football pool. And doesn’t it always seem like it’s someone’s random friend that seems to win? It’s not the dude who lives and breathes football and can recite every team’s stats by memory. No, its that dude’s roommate’s girlfriend’s best friend from college, who knows nothing about football, and just put her $5 into the pool on a “whim.” The win comes out for the week and everyone’s like, “Katie? Who’s Katie? Does she even work here? Didn’t she win last week?!”

I, also, know nothing about football. And yet, somehow every week I am suckered into putting my money into the pot. I don’t win very often. Or, like, any week this season except for the first one where I was just eeked out on points at the end of Monday’s game. But I also did once win the office March Madness pool, for the whole season, so my theory can’t be all wrong.

So here it is, the big secret. How people who know nothing about sports pick the winners for the office pool.

Rule #1

You always pick your all-time favorite team to win. No matter what the odds.

Rule #2

You also pick any team from any city or state that you’ve ever lived in.
— If both of the teams playing are ones you would root for, then you pick the one whose mascot would win in a fight.
— Unless one of those teams is the Raiders. You NEVER pick the Raiders

Rule #3

If the quarterback of one team is dating a celebrity, then you pick that team.

And finally….

if in doubt, Google the game to check out the odds. Then pick the one with the best odds. Except every once in a while, pick the underdog. Because it’s nice to root on the underdog.

Good luck, and happy playing!

I’ll let you know if I win this season. Although so far, it’s not looking good. That darn Katie.