Family - Fun - Marriage

Who am I?

If you’ve been reading this blog at all, you might have an idea. I mean, it spans over a decade of my life, and I’d like to think I share a balanced view of the highs and lows that life gives me.

But here’s the current TL;DR in case you want to be my friend.

Because I like friends. But I’m socially awkward. So here we are.

A random list of things about me:

  • I love this life I’ve built.
  • I’m a born introvert. A shy book nerd who was bullied in school for being “too nice.”
  • I’m an overthinker who has overthought how to make new friends too many times and eventually just decides to “go for it.” Even if it is – as previously mentioned – painfully awkward.
  • I have my faults and I’m imperfect, but overall I think I’m a pretty decent human.
  • I love my husband and our commitment to each other.
  • I love my two boys. They are my entire world.
  • I value a quiet moment.
  • I enjoy lifting heavy things. I’m proud of what my body is capable of. I try to honor that. Good health is a privilege.
  • I want to be a successful novelist.
  • I hate conflict. Let me say that again: I HATE conflict. I will take a flipping train to Timbuktu if it means I can avoid an argument.
  • Unless you really, really, piss me off. My threshold is very high but if I get there? Beware.
  • Purple is my favorite color. Has been, since 1989.
  • I’m a cat person.
  • Yellow roses are my preferred flower and pizza is my food.
  • Hot showers are my favorite creature comfort.
  • I used to collect rocks. I still have all of them in a box in my basement, much to my husband’s dismay.
  • When I was 19, I almost died from a blood clot.
  • I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes. And some really, really, brilliant ones (I married my husband, for one). Also there was some dumb luck along the way, for good measure.
  • I don’t plan ahead well. Let’s just say I’m a fan of “winging it.”
  • I’m an eternal optimist. The glass is always half-full and I like to assume most people operate with good intentions.
  • I desperately seek approval.
  • I have worked hard to cultivate my self-confidence. I want you to be my friend but also – I’m a pretty darn good friend to have, too.