
A Full Moon in October

We lucked out with the weather this year; almost 60 degrees and clear skies. Were it not for the complete pandemic disaster that is this year, 2020’s Halloween would have been amazing: Full moon, Saturday night, and beautiful crisp fall air.

We played it low-key this year. I managed to convince both boys to wear costumes that my mom had hand-made for my brother and I when we were kids. Aiden opted for a “spider” and Conner was Tigger the tiger.

Who knew that masks could actually come in so handy?

We had a delightful time regardless. We visited a couple of neighbor’s houses for candy in bowls at the end of the drive, then ended the night with a giant bonfire in the back yard with some neighbors.

Like everything this year, it’s not at all how we would have pictured it, and yet… it worked.

My brother as the original spider
Aiden as the re-make (he opted not to use the “webbing” and we added the spider-themed gaiter)