
Welcome, Kinnick

Things that happened the month of April:

We brought home our new puppy, Kinnick.

He’s the cutest. And the sweetest. And the naughtiest. Like all puppies are.

It snowed.

It un-snowed, that afternoon. And one week later that it was 80 degrees and sunny.

We installed our dock project.

The pond renovation was (FINALLY) completed.

We planted asparagus and worked on the garden.

Aiden told me his favorite animal was a shark. Also that he has two talents, singing and dancing.

The boys ate their first adult (non-Happy Meal) at McDonald’s. Per their own request.

Connor celebrated his birthday with friends at a local trampoline/gymnastics center. Then, because he was “owed” an extra birthday party (having been shorted due to 2020’s pandemic) he also had a party with family at the local arcade.

The cat and the dog are learning to get along. Slowly.