Family - Parenting

I’ll Hold Your Hand

My oldest boy is over 4 feet tall. It won’t be long before he’s taller than me. Before he’s a tweenager and then a teenager and perhaps he will be embarrassed of me and roll his eyes at me and be convinced he knows it all.

But for now, he’s still a snuggler. A hand-holder. An “I love you so much mom” hugger.

Yesterday, when his younger brother had a playdate, A-man and I got some much needed one-on-one time. And as we walked across the parking lot to the big box store (in search of a toy he wanted) he held my hand.

And I thought, in that moment, how I wanted to capture the simple joy of bonding with my son.

He’s my big kid, but he’s also still my first baby. I love watching him grow and seeing the person he is becoming. And I want to soak in these moments, until he outgrows them.

I’ll Hold Your Hand

I’ll hold your hand to the sun
To the moon and stars and back
I’ll hold your hand
Across the parking lot
Of the big box store
I’ll hold your hand for as long
As you’ll let me
Through the Milky Way
And shopping malls
I’ll keep you safe and tethered
Until you wish to be unbound
For these days
For days just like this one
So perfect in their simplicity
Across a sun-dappled parking lot
I’ll hold your hand