Family - Fun - Parenting

Yes Day!

Ever since I let the boys watch that Jennifer Garner movie, Yes Day, the boys have been begging to have one of their own.

For the uninitiated, a “Yes Day” is when you pick one specific day that the parents can’t say no to any request the kids have. Now, there are some ground rules. There is a monetary budget. There are no requests to travel outside of the city (or a set radius of your choosing). And no requests that impact the future (for example, they can’t ask for a puppy).

We laid the ground rules (most of which the kids already understood from the movie, although we had to have a conversation on why driving through the car wash with the windows down was a Hollywood embellishment that we would not be re-creating).

The boys painstakingly planned out their itinerary. They listed their “wants” in order of importance. I helped them go over costs and budget. Some things got eliminated either due to cost or feasibility (Sorry, A-man, I just couldn’t figure out a way for you to meet your favorite YouTuber!)

We had a list, a timeline, and a date. Let the Yes Day begin…

They began their day with hot chocolate and donuts for breakfast. Then it was off to Sky Zone. This was a first for all of us:

Next, it was off to the candy store. The boys had a set “allowance” to spend, and they enjoyed taking their time browsing and loading up their baskets with goodies:

After that it was lunchtime! They wanted to go to a restaurant that has video games, so we went to DraftCade where they enjoyed burgers, chicken strips, soda, and some rousing games of PacMan:

And what day would be complete without a trip to Build-A-Bear? The boys have been asking to go there forever, and guess what – we finally said yes!

That was about as much running around and excitement on the town and mom and dad (and our wallet) could take, so it was back to the house. But with one pit stop first…

For bags of ice!

The boys wanted to turn our pool water icy cold and make mom and dad jump in it. And we had to say yes, so….

After swimming, it was time to go inside, where the boys could enjoy their spoils:

I don’t remember entirely what they ate for dinner, but I think it was candy, more candy, and some boxed mac n cheese. I think they had planned on ice cream as well, but they (wisely) decided they’d had as much sugar as they could handle for the day. They got to stay up late watching a movie, and then it was time for bed. And for mom and dad to survey the aftermath….