Family - Marriage

Shirts, Blankets, and Bedsheets

As the designated Household Manager, I am the person in charge of the laundry.

Which, for the record, is NEVER ENDING.

I’m usually washing a load of something every day, because between four people, towels, sheets, blankets, dish cloths, and miscellanea, there is always something that needs cleaned.

Today, I chose to wash my husband’s white t-shirts, throw blankets on the couch, and our bedsheets.

These are the only three things I washed this day.

Sitting on the couch this evening, watching one of our favorite shows, I pointed out how the throw blankets we were snuggling under were so clean and fresh-smelling.

(Every once in a while I need to seek praise and validation – I’m only human!)

To which my husband responded that clean blankets, along with freshly-laundered white shirts and bedsheets, are some of his favorite things in the world.

At first, I thought he was choosing those three specific things because they happened to be the three things I washed that evening.

After further discussion, it turns out that, coincidentally, he just happened to unknowingly name the only three things I had washed as his very favorite things.

My husband and I, we are two very different people. But these moments of perfect connection are the stuff that marriages are built upon.

As much as our differences bring zest to our partnership, these little wins cement it together.

Shirts, Blankets, and Bedsheets. Sometimes, it can be simple.