Family - Fun

A Parent’s Summer Bucket List

Apparently, some teenager wrote down her summer bucket list and then forgot it in an Urban Outfitters dressing room.  The bad news is now all the internets knows that she wants to pet a giraffe and other, less-PG things, although the good news is all she has to do is log on to Twitter to remember what she wrote.

While I can identify with some of the things on her list (binge new Netflix series? check.  eat cotton candy? check), there are some that, sadly, as a thirty-something mother of two I just do not identify with.  (have a super wild birthday? well sure, if “staying up past 9pm” and “eating TWO slices of cake” count as wild….).  So I figured I’d better make my own Summer 2017 bucket list.  Here goes:

  • Return library books before they become overdue
  • Convince older child he wants to take naps again
  • Teach younger child how to wipe his own bottom
  • Start diet
  • Charge fitbit
  • Unlearn all the lyrics to “Let it Go”
  • Vacuum couch before there are more than 3 types of snacks in the cushions
  • Stay up past 10pm on a weekend
  • Complete an entire grocery store trip without anyone fighting over who gets to push the cart
  • Manage not to eat an entire pizza in one sitting

Personally, I think this is a pretty solid list. I might even get it all accomplished this summer.