Family - Food

Lucky Charms

Another cold winter day means school starting time is delayed 2 hours. I decided to take advantage of this and sleep until the boys woke up.

Around 8 am, I heard Aiden in the living room, but he was being quiet and not demanding anything of me, so I proceeded to lay in bed for a while before deciding to get up.  After almost 30 minutes of this, I began to get suspicious. He had to be up to something.

“Hi mom!” he chirped when I entered the kitchen. “I made breakfast for me and Connor.”

And sure enough, he was sitting at the table with two bowls of cereal and an empty box of Lucky Charms.

You can’t quite see it in this picture, but he’s also poured Connor a glass of milk.

“I’m sorry mom,” he said pointing to the milk on the table, “I spilled some.”

“That’s okay,” I told him, while noticing that Connor’s cereal bowl was not next to his milk glass, and instead was conveniently close to Aiden. Further inspection revealed that Aiden had eaten all of the marshmallows out of BOTH cereal bowls.

“This bowl is mine,” he said, pointing to the one nearest him (which he also happened to be eating using a giant serving spoon), “and this one is Connor’s.”

“I can see that. But why doesn’t Connor’s bowl have any marshmallows in it?  Did you eat all of them?”

The answer to this was, of course, yes.

Also, have you seen how fun his milk glass is? He rooted out the reusable ice cubes from the freezer and a curly straw from the back of the pantry.  Oh, and there is only about half a gallon of milk in that glass!

When Connor woke, he actually did not mind that he had soggy, marshmallow-less cereal and when I offered to get him a new bowl he refused.  Okaaay, kid. However when he attempted to eat the cereal, we both discovered that the serving spoon Aiden had selected for Connor’s bowl was the slotted one, and Connor was rather disappointed to end up with milk all over his pants.

But I say, if all it cost me for that extra 20 minutes of quiet relaxation in bed was some spilled milk, I’m certainly not crying.