Family - Fun - Travel

The Drum Circle

Our vacation on Siesta Key wouldn’t be complete without a mention of the Drum Circle. Held every Sunday, one hour before sunset, the internets told me it was a fantastic (and free) family event, filled with brightly-colored dancers and jugglers, performed on the pristine white beach of Siesta Key, where performers encouraged visitors old and young alike to hula-hoop and children danced happily to the beat of the drums. Even the ladies sitting next to me on the plane said they had been, and sang its praises.

So we went.



One more time, for fun…



It is worth noting that the weather was exceptionally cold and windy for Florida. Because of the wind, they weren’t allowed to have a bonfire on the sand, and because of the chill and threat of rain, they relocated it to underneath the beach shelter. This accounts for the lack of spectators, and, I’m hoping, explains why the only performers brave enough to show up were the ones stoned out of their mind.

And I mean, they tried using that fun little white globe decorated with dead leaves, but really, not the same as a bonfire. We watched for a while, along with this guy who was inexplicably dressed in steampunk(ish) pirate cowboy gear (?).

Eventually, we were overcold and underwhelmed enough to make our exit (and maybe, just a teensy bit nervous of the angry shirtless ginger.)