Family - Fun - Travel

Siesta Key Vacation

This past week we took a family vacation to Siesta Key. The four of us, along with many members of Chris’s extended family. His mom (who initiated this trip and generously provided the rental accommodations as part of her Christmas gift to us), his sister and her family, his other sister and her husband, and his cousin. In total, eight adults and four kids ages 5 and under.

At least our adult-to-child ratio had the kids outnumbered 2 to 1.

Their first glimpse of the gulf coast

Our rental was amazing and beautiful and had this gorgeous upper deck perfect for watching the full lunar eclipse on the first night.

We ate seafood fresh off the boat, seafood in restaurants, and more seafood.

We played cards late into the night after the kids had gone to bed, and when we got hungry at 3am, cousin Steven and I stuffed our faces with the microgreen sprouts I had acquired at the local farmer’s market, like some sort of health-food cookie monsters.

We visited the aquarium and the kids got to touch the stingrays and see the sharks.

We made new friends with an old friend.

There was seafood (did I mention that already?) sea shelling at the beach, seagulls, sandcastles, and snot mustaches:

Of course there was the sand and the sun:

And the boat that got beached on the surf.

Although the weather could have been a smidge warmer, we still had a fantastic time.