

While I believe that it is fair to say most everyone’s life is in a constant state of construction, this holds literally true for the last seven years of our family’s life.

In 2010 we bought a house in Arizona as part of a short sale. It needed things, like paint and carpet and new tile flooring. Chris and I poured our time and efforts into that project every weekend.

In 2012 we decided it was ready for an interior remodel performed by professionals, and at that same time we also decided to build an addition – the guest house – with live/work space.

So the construction is started and we have a baby and the construction keeps going and finally, in 2015, everything is complete. We have another baby.

We get to enjoy this paradise for about two years before we have to move.

So our farmhouse in Iowa is also an (extensive) remodel. Construction won’t be complete for another 6 months, and the house in Arizona sold shockingly fast.

We move into a rental for 4 months, move to a different rental for 1 month, then move back to the original rental for the remaining month. Then we get to move into our new farmhouse. For anyone keeping track, this is FOUR moves in 6 months.

New farmhouse is only about 80% done when we move into it. The interior gets finished over the next couple months, but the yard and landscaping is a work in progress.

Our second summer in this farmhouse and we have finally completed almost everything. Just in time to sell it for some new owners to enjoy.

After all this, we SWORE there was going to be no more remodeling, no more construction projects. We were going to find ourselves a nice, move-in ready house in Kansas City.

And here you go folks, I introduce you to our new place in Kansas City:

Wait, did you notice the same thing there that I did? THIS IS JUST A PLOT OF LAND, WHERE IS THE HOUSE?!

We’re going to build one, of course.

It’s okay to laugh now.