Family - Marriage - Parenting

An Incomplete List and a Complete Mess

Things I have done during the Stay-Home order:

  • Lost a full gallon of milk and found it in the linen closet, two days later
  • Worn my pants on inside out all day before I realized it
  • Cried for no reason
  • Cried for very good reasons
  • Laughed hysterically with my boys
  • Spent too much time on Facebook
  • Made bread
  • Made cookies
  • Been mad at the scale
  • Ordered groceries online

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized how much I love grocery shopping. I’m also very picky about my groceries and like lots of obscure foodstuffs and bring all my reusable bags so basically, it’s an event. I miss it.

Apparently, there was a time when I didn’t like grocery shopping. I hardly remember that time. Along those same lines, I never thought I would be the person who could look at whatever random ingredients are laying around the house and whip something up.

In fact, my early attempts were epic failures, as my husband has pointed out to me, very gently, and from a safe distance.

I’m now that person, the one who can cook some things without recipes and make a meal on the fly. Which is why, of course, my children prefer Kraft Mac n Cheese and Mc Donald’s hamburgers to anything from a scratch kitchen (insert eyeroll).

We’re all just a work in progress, I guess. And no, I didn’t leave the milk in the linen closet on purpose, I only do that with my keys in the refrigerator.