Search Results for: NASCAR

  • RemoteDance

    The NASCARs

    My husband and I attended the NASCAR race last weekend. So at this Nascar race thing, a bunch of guys get in cars with lots of advertisements painted on them, and they drive around in a circle about 300 times. It’s the big draw, apparently. But it is not why I go to The Nascars. I go to The Nascars for the people-watching. My husband’s sister, his cousin, his best friend, and his sister’s two friends flew out from the Midwest to join us at The Nascars. Two of our other friends who lived locally, Sleepy and Orange County, also…

  • RemoteDance

    The History of NASCAR

    During a recent car trip from Phoenix to L.A., I drove while Chris took a nap in the passenger seat. Since I was in command of the vehicle, this meant I had control of the iPod. I could force Chris to listen to NPR and various other “nerdy” podcasts while he was, essentially, trapped in our moving vehicle. I think this is partly why he fell asleep, because it was either slip into unconsciousness or jump out of the car a la 007 only to land in the middle of the desert next those signs that read, “State Prison. Do…

  • Family - Parenting

    Perfectly Imperfect

    As a child, I would accompany my parents and brother to the Christmas Tree farm, looking for the perfect specimen to cut down. Despite the hassle, there is nothing more wonderous than the smell of fresh pine. My husband also prefers pines to plastic. So it was a very easy decision that, as a couple, we would have real trees. Over the years we’ve had some beauties — aaaand some Charlie Brown trees. Our ornaments are a hodge-podge of gifts, acquisitions, and well-intentioned Target purchases. At one point, my parents gave me a box of ornaments that they had used…

  • RemoteDance

    The Nerdery

    The twins, Frick and Frack, have a younger sister, A-Star. Here is a picture of the three of them: And now the lovely miss A-Star has gotten married. I will share that story in another post, but the lead-in here was that the twins and I took a flight out to Iowa last weekend for the wedding. On the return flight, I was sitting middle seat, between my husband on one side and Frick on the other. We had stopped for a layover and this was the second leg of our flight. My husband happened to glance over and notice…

  • RemoteDance

    Sprint Car Racing

    The husband and I went to lunch with our boss last week. The restaurant had those TVs that are mounted to the ceiling, and at one point my husband and my boss were distracted by a NASCAR-type race. Only instead of NASCAR cars racing around the track, it looked more like matchbox cars with trays mounted to the top of them. We watched them for a bit, as they took a series of continual left turns, until I decided to ask a question. “There aren’t actually people in those cars, are there?” I could tell immediately from the look on…

  • RemoteDance

    The Clampetts Move to Phoenix

    Okay, so we might be a little redneck. And I say “we” in that affectionate, my-husband-is-so-I-am-by-association sort of way. I guess we have established already that we can light a fire with a blow torch and live in a trailer and enjoy NASCAR so it’s not a far stretch to imagine the “formal entryway” to our new home. Allow me to share a picture. Oh, what is that in the corner?  Is that the arcade game Big Buck Hunter? Why yes, it does appear to be Big Buck Hunter.  Let’s take a closer look… Yep, definitely Big Buck Hunter (PRO! Open Season!). …

  • RemoteDance

    Football Season

    Maybe I was a little hasty about the whole TV-for-a-Couch deal being a win-win situation. You see, I neglected to take into account one thing: football season. Apparently there is a magical combination of Big TV + High Definition + Male Roommates + Football = Let’s watch football ALL THE TIME. The sound system didn’t help with the situation, either. Or, Chris has been deceiving me our whole courtship and he’s much more into football than he’s previously led me to believe. This past Sunday was the Arizona Cardinals – Green Bay Packers game. Chris is a Cardinals fan. Canuk…

  • Marriage - RemoteDance

    The Marriage Test

    There is this commercial on TV now… I think it’s for a discount department store?  It features a group of people drinking wine, eating hors d’oeuvres, laughing and chatting in their cocktail-party clothes, while candles on the table gently illuminate the fancy place settings.   And every time I see it, I think, “I WANT TO BE AT THAT PARTY!  It looks like fun and it doesn’t even involve objects that must be thrown, driven really fast, or smashed into each other.” Don’t get me wrong: redneck stuff is fun.  Well, the redneck stuff that I’ve done anyway.  Which is actually…

  • RemoteDance

    Minor Details

    I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the small, teeny-tiny, almost-inconsequential snafu in our Nascar plans.  No big deal, really…. The flight out of our rural airport near LA was a little hurried.  In the space of an hour, the sky had darkened significantly, and the wind was picking up.  If it got much windier, we wouldn’t be able to take off, so we hurried to get everything in order for flight.  We (or rather, Chris, I can’t really take credit) made a smooth takeoff and were on our way to Phoenix.  We had a decent tail wind so…