Search Results for: spring cleaning

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Spring Cleaning

    This May, Chris and I decided the house needed a major makeover. Especially since we had some potential tenants to rent our spare rooms. The list of “home makeover” items included cleaning/organizing the house (finally putting away our boxes of wedding gifts!) and landscaping the backyard. More on the backyard later. My first spring cleaning project: cleaning out unnecessary stuff from the garage. When I moved in to the house from my apartment, there was a lot of my stuff that landed in the garage, in boxes, and the boxes have been collecting dust ever since. Chris had cleaned out…

  • RemoteDance

    Hoarder’s Remorse

    As you may have gathered from some of my previous posts, while I don’t consider myself to be anything near an actual hoarder, I do have a tendency to collect and keep things that provide no real intrinsic value to my life. Usually I keep these things for one of three reasons: Nostalgia I am almost certain that at some point they will be useful again They got stuffed somewhere and I forgot I had them Reason #1 is why I keep things like expired driver’s licenses from various states. Reason #2 is why I have clothes in my closet…

  • RemoteDance

    It’s a Coupon!

    I know I’ve been sort of absent lately. There has been a lot of stuff to do at work and a lot of improvements on the new house and also last Sunday I was extremely occupied with reading a book by the pool and getting a pedicure. So sue me. In lieu of an actual, interesting post, I’ll share one of the tidbits I came across when cleaning house. As you may recall, I’m not very good at getting rid of things. So when I found this Mervyn’s coupon, it was not much of a surprise. Maybe you might notice a…

  • RemoteDance

    Things from my Childhood

    So I have this clock. And it’s not just any clock. It’s a talking alarm clock… from the 80’s. You see, sometime in the mid-eighties my father got this alarm clock for free. That’s right, FOR FREE. It was either a promotional deal for his business or he won it in a raffle or something (hey, I was, like, seven when he told me the story.) So he gave the clock to me, his cherished and beloved daughter. It’s one of those early memories that you shouldn’t really remember, but for some reason it sticks with you throughout the years. …