• Family

    Misc. Garage

    If you’ve been following along (or if you know us IRL) we’ve moved quite a bit in the last few years. We had movers box up our things for our move from Arizona to Iowa and then, just two short years later, we had our things boxed up again for another move. Which means that there were some items from our Arizona house that we never got around to unpacking at the Iowa house. Moving into the Kansas City house, we are determined to unpack every single box. Get organized and get settled. There were surprises along the way: some…

  • Family


    While I believe that it is fair to say most everyone’s life is in a constant state of construction, this holds literally true for the last seven years of our family’s life. In 2010 we bought a house in Arizona as part of a short sale. It needed things, like paint and carpet and new tile flooring. Chris and I poured our time and efforts into that project every weekend. In 2012 we decided it was ready for an interior remodel performed by professionals, and at that same time we also decided to build an addition – the guest house…

  • Family - Fun


    Chris and I haven’t been camping since before the kids. (I mean, assuming you don’t count the two times we set up the tent in our backyard so our oldest could have a night under the stars with dad while I stayed inside with the baby). I’ve always loved camping, especially tent camping. But with little ones it seemed like it would be a lot of work. It’s probably not, but like anything can be intimidating until you’ve gotten the routine down. This Memorial weekend we pulled the trigger. Even though our version of camping was setting up our tent…

  • Family - Food - Fun

    The Marshmallow-Only Club

    As I have mentioned in a previous post, the boys love Lucky Charms cereal. They don’t get to have it all the time — mostly because they are notorious for picking around the cereal bits and eating only the marshmallows. And I like to at least cling to some pretense that they are consuming a breakfast-food, not a bowl full of dehydrated sugar soaked in milk. But a few months ago, as I was wandering the aisles of the grocery store, I noticed the promotional box of lucky charms featuring unicorn marshmallows. Connor loves unicorns. They both love Lucky Charms.…

  • Family - Farming

    Field of Dreams

    Tonight I was reading the boys bedtime stories with the windows open, enjoying the fresh spring breeze, when we became distracted by a noise outside. It was the sound of our neighbor running his tractor through the field. The boys and I looked out Aiden’s second-story window towards our backyard, and the field that lay beyond. That field was corn that first fall when we moved in, and soybeans last year. Which means due to the mechanics of crop rotation, this year it should be corn again. It was strange, looking out that window and watching him work the ground,…

  • Family - Parenting

    About a jump rope

    I own a fancy jump rope that I use at the gym. I mean, it cost $20 so it’s not crazy expensive, but as far as jump ropes go… well, I consider it fancy. Today, Aiden saw the jump rope setting on the table, and asked if he could play with it. I was inclined to say no, because I consider it part of my workout equipment, and as such not really a child’s toy. Also, it’s specifically sized for me and would be awkwardly long for a six-year-old boy. But I agreed. However, there were conditions: he must stay…

  • Family

    The Vanity of Foresight

    I’ve taken the liberty of modernizing these lines from Robert Burns’ famous poem: But little Mouse, you are not alone, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes of mice and men Often go awry. “To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough”. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_a_Mouse We are moving (again). To Kansas City this time. It’s a bittersweet time, filled with promises for the future and sadness for the home and family we will leave behind. We had planned to stay on our Iowa acreage as our “forever home.” We had planned to host gatherings…

  • Family - Parenting

    Compliments to the Chef

    Last night I made the boys cheeseburgers for dinner. Aiden says to me: “Mom did you make this? It’s really good!” Why thanks, Aiden, I did make it. “It’s so good… It’s almost as good as McDonald’s.” From a 6 year old, this is a high compliment. I bet if I’d thrown in a cheap plastic toy and a cardboard box he would have been sold.

  • Family - Fun - Travel

    The Drum Circle

    Our vacation on Siesta Key wouldn’t be complete without a mention of the Drum Circle. Held every Sunday, one hour before sunset, the internets told me it was a fantastic (and free) family event, filled with brightly-colored dancers and jugglers, performed on the pristine white beach of Siesta Key, where performers encouraged visitors old and young alike to hula-hoop and children danced happily to the beat of the drums. Even the ladies sitting next to me on the plane said they had been, and sang its praises. So we went. EXPECTATION REALITY One more time, for fun… EXPECTATION REALITY It…

  • Family - Fun - Travel

    Siesta Key Vacation

    This past week we took a family vacation to Siesta Key. The four of us, along with many members of Chris’s extended family. His mom (who initiated this trip and generously provided the rental accommodations as part of her Christmas gift to us), his sister and her family, his other sister and her husband, and his cousin. In total, eight adults and four kids ages 5 and under. At least our adult-to-child ratio had the kids outnumbered 2 to 1. Our rental was amazing and beautiful and had this gorgeous upper deck perfect for watching the full lunar eclipse on…