• RemoteDance

    The NASCARs

    My husband and I attended the NASCAR race last weekend. So at this Nascar race thing, a bunch of guys get in cars with lots of advertisements painted on them, and they drive around in a circle about 300 times. It’s the big draw, apparently. But it is not why I go to The Nascars. I go to The Nascars for the people-watching. My husband’s sister, his cousin, his best friend, and his sister’s two friends flew out from the Midwest to join us at The Nascars. Two of our other friends who lived locally, Sleepy and Orange County, also…

  • RemoteDance

    It’s Like Riding a Bicycle

    A new study was published that shows there may be a genetic reason that some people are bad drivers.  This does not bode well for me.  (Love you mom). “Chris, there’s a new study out that says bad driving may be genetic.” “Oh, so there may be a reason you’re such a bad driver?” “Don’t be rude.  You just don’t understand my driving style.” “I understand your style all right.  Your style is ‘crappy.'” Personally, I don’t think I’m a bad driver.  But then again, who really thinks they are a bad driver?  It’s supposed to be one of those inherent skills, like breathing or…

  • Marriage - RemoteDance

    I’m not buying him a hearing aid…

    …he did it to himself. When Chris first bought the surround sound, he tested it out.  I was one floor up on the opposite side of the house, in the closet, and I could still tell what movie he was watching. (I was putting away laundry, in case anyone was wondering why I was hanging out in the closet). Well, he now has decided he needs to show our roommates the awesome power of the surround sound.  Here I sit, minding my own business trolling the internet, when suddenly… I am transported to a front row seat at the world’s largest movie theater. …

  • RemoteDance


    I have a tendency to drop small, expensive electronic items. A lot. Mostly cell phones. (I don’t think I’ve dropped the iPod yet, although I can’t say the same for my portable hard drive.) Have you ever known someone who insists on carrying around their old, outdated cell phone because it is “so indestructible”? And who then proceeds to prove that fact to all their friends by throwing it across a crowded bar, to bounce off a wall and land, unharmed and functional, on the floor? No? I can’t be the only one who knows someone like this. Well I…

  • RemoteDance

    The Couch Vortex

    We love the New Couch. It is so big and cushy that once you sit down, the couch will suck you in to its Vortex of Comfort and you will never want to leave. Its true power, however, was best demonstrated this past weekend.  We had some friends over to watch football, and our one friend made the mistake of sitting smack dab in the center of the Vortex of Comfort. It, LITERALLY, took him five minutes to get out of the couch.  He had to struggle quite a bit to un-wedge himself from the corner and find his way back…

  • Fun - RemoteDance

    Say What?!

    Every so often, I overhear people say things that are unintentionally funny. Here’s a collection of great quotes from the last few months: “Aren’t they looking for you at the school?”-A customer, speaking to her young-looking waiter at the Olive Garden “You need to get rid of that Twilight Princess, yo. You’re playing ‘T’ for ‘Teen’ man.”-Relationship advice from one guy to another at the Home Depot “I wanted to get off on the right foot… I just had to decide which foot!”-A new acquaintance, on what type of first impression he wanted to make at a party “You can…

  • RemoteDance

    Loud Crashing Noise

    On Friday the house shook. It was around 5:30 (5:48, to be exact) and suddenly I heard a loud crashing and/or rattling coming from upstairs. At first, I thought maybe a piece of furniture had fallen over. You know, because furniture randomly does that. But it was a better thought than the alternative – an intruder! The dog barked and turned in circles a couple of times before deciding there was no threat. I was not so convinced. I went upstairs, hesitantly searching the bedroom. No one in the closet, the bathroom, under the bed. Okay, coast clear in my…

  • RemoteDance


    When I was in college, I paid my tuition by waiting tables. One of the restaurants I worked at was a fancy steakhouse. (This was mildly ironic, since I don’t eat steak.) Anyway, as my Employee of the Month prize – they based this on the number of sales you had in a month – I won a free bottle of red wine. This wine was the 2002 J. Lohr Vineyards “Wildflower” Valdiguié. (Oh my god. I just realized that was SIX YEARS ago.) So, anyway, six years ago I took that wine to a dinner party at my cousin’s…

  • RemoteDance

    Is That a Rooster, or…?

    Los Angeles is suffering from a crisis. No, it’s not state’s largest fire since 1897, with a smoke cloud seen all the way from Vegas to Denver (seriously). It’s not the post-Michael-Jackson music industry, the increasing prevalence of gang activity, or the dead bodies and trash floating out in to the Pacific Ocean from the Los Angeles River. Nor is it the fact that taxpayers received IOU’s, the animal shelters are overcrowded, and Renee Zellweger was in a car crash. (read: minor fender bender with no injuries. Renee spotted for the first time since accident! The headlines screamed the next…

  • RemoteDance

    The History of NASCAR

    During a recent car trip from Phoenix to L.A., I drove while Chris took a nap in the passenger seat. Since I was in command of the vehicle, this meant I had control of the iPod. I could force Chris to listen to NPR and various other “nerdy” podcasts while he was, essentially, trapped in our moving vehicle. I think this is partly why he fell asleep, because it was either slip into unconsciousness or jump out of the car a la 007 only to land in the middle of the desert next those signs that read, “State Prison. Do…