• RemoteDance

    Who kills the spiders around here

    Whenever there is a spider in the house (or scorpion, or just about any living creature except ants), I am not the one who kills it. I rescue it and set it free in the great outdoors. I just can’t bring myself to kill it. There was a tiny spider crawling across our kitchen yesterday. Chris was barefoot, and since I was wearing shoes, he asked me to step on it. ME: No. CHRIS: Why not? ME: I can’t kill it! CHRIS: But why not? ME: Because it’s just hanging out minding it’s own business. It doesn’t deserve to die…

  • RemoteDance

    How I spent “Power Outage 2011”

    Yesterday afternoon there was a giant power outage. It affected people from Yuma, AZ all the way to San Diego, and as far south as Baja Mexico and as far north as Orange County, CA. This means there was no electricity. Also if you had Sprint or AT&T cell phones you had no bars. However, if you had Verizon, like I did, people were still calling you about work stuff. You would think the advantage of a blackout would be that you get to leave work early. I was not so lucky because my work has generator backup and my…

  • RemoteDance

    Dishwasher FAIL

    So, we recently moved from Rental House A to Rental House B in San Diego, because House B was a bit nicer and also had a fence for the dog and our lease was up at the old place. Anyway, some of the last items we moved from House A to House B were the cleaning supplies, because we needed them to clean up after all our stuff was moved out. So here we are, one of our first nights in the new house, and the dishes were dirty and I wanted to wash the dishes. We had no dishwasher…

  • RemoteDance

    Rental House Rehab

    So, Chris and I rented our house out for a year. The tenant’s lease has just ended and we have informed them that we’re not renewing. They are not too happy with this decision and the retired gentleman confronts my husband and our agent on the front lawn with a baseball bat. BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER. I MEAN WORSE. IT GETS WORSE. Once the tenants have vacated the property, we are left with the aftermath. They managed to break, dirty, or otherwise destroy almost every square inch of the house. They violated multiple conditions of their lease including, but…

  • RemoteDance

    In Which We Become Landlords for the First Time

    When Frack and I met, he owned a house that he had purchased at the tail end of 2005 – in other words, the height of the real-estate bubble. It was a pretty nice house, about 1800 sq ft with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It had an open floorplan in the kitchen/living area, and the master bedroom was a generous size with a walk-in closet. We spent a couple years putting some sweat equity in it – landscaping the backyard, painting walls, putting in new wood flooring, etc. However, no amount of sweat equity was going to make up…

  • RemoteDance

    Las Vegas is trying to tell me something

    I spent the past weekend in Vegas with my husband and some of my good friends. Although we had a fantastic time, I noticed a few changes from the Vegas of my early and mid twenties. I present to you: The Top 5 Signs You Are Getting Old(er) – The Sin City Edition The Casino employees stop having to verify your ID card’s authenticity with their supervisor. In fact, they stop carding you alltogether. During the cab ride, you don’t bother asking which casinos have the best mile-high margaritas or which after-hours clubs are the most happening. Instead, you discuss…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    I Love Cats

    We’ve talked about this before. About how I would totally have been the crazy cat lady had I not met my husband and thus had to follow his strict 2-cat maximum policy. As a child, we had the sweetest, most tolerant little Abyssinian named Asha. She loved me, she truly did, and I loved her back. Although sometimes as a child I did not make the best decisions in favor of our friendship. As in Christmas of 1991: Also, I was really ahead of my time in terms of “pet fashion.” I’m pretty sure that before celebrities started wandering around…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Hairstyle choices of the 1980s

    I have a very clear memory of my 4th grade picture day. I wore my best dress, the black one with the white lace ruffles. It made me feel grown-up and sophisticated. And I knew exactly how I wanted to style my hair. However, I had to enlist my mother’s help to compete the coiffure. So there we were, my mother and I, standing in front of the bathroom mirror. She was poised behind me with a comb and I held the hair band and white lace ribbon at the ready. “Are you sure this is what you want, honey?”…