• RemoteDance

    Complete Nonsense

    Last night, Chris fell asleep on the couch while we were watching TV. When the show ended, I went to wake him so we could go to bed. I shook his shoulder gently and whispered that he needed to get up and go to bed. “Mumble mumble just wait mumble mumble.” “C’mon honey, time for bed.” “Just wait two weeks.” “OK, whatever. C’mon let’s go to bed.” “But what if we wait a couple weeks and then there’s not two and we need another one, you understand what I mean?” “You’re not making any sense.” He tried to explain again,…

  • Fun - RemoteDance - Throwback

    TYSE #4: Hospitality Mints

    Since I have been sort of unfairly picking on Chris these lasts few posts, I suppose it’s time to make fun of myself. I haven’t done a “Things You Shouldn’t Eat” in a while so it seems fitting to share this bit of advice with you all. Last Christmas, Chris and I were invited to a Christmas Party to be hosted at one of the restaurants in downtown San Diego. Specifically, at Dick’s Last Resort. If you haven’t heard of it, the basic operating premise is that the waitstaff are total a-holes, and people do crazy things like wad up…

  • RemoteDance

    Super Frack

    This story is about the birth of “SuperFrack.” (And if you need a reminder as to why my husband is called Frack, click here.) Flashback to 4 years ago. Chris and I had just started dating. I was in San Francisco for the weekend, attending my cousin’s wedding. Chris was hanging out with “the boys” at a friend’s house. The friend’s wife and kids were also home, and the teenage boys were practicing their “skillz” on bicycles. Apparently, one of the teenagers told my husband and his friends that they were “old.” And that these “old guys” couldn’t possibly compete…

  • RemoteDance

    The Five things of Friday

    Five things I never thought I’d like, but now I LOVE National Public Radio (NPR) Hummus The Kindle (love love love!) Red Wine Aluminum Water Bottles Five things I thought I’d love forever, but now – not so much Tie-Dye Shirts Cassette Tapes Nancy Drew Mysteries Vanilla Frosting Super Nintendo

  • RemoteDance

    786,000 Gallons of Water

    Chris and I were at the house last weekend when the doorbell rang. It was the meter-reader. He wanted to let us know that our water use for the past month was very high. Which was very considerate of him, although a few months too late. At that point we had just finished paying the plumber to fix the problem. Allow me to recap… As you may remember, last March we bought a house. Well last June, our water bill suddenly skyrocketed. We wrote that month off as the start of summer weather and waited to see the next bill.…

  • RemoteDance

    The Cat Pulls a Houdini

    You guys have met my cat right? Let’s just say she’s an indoor cat who doesn’t possess very many “street smarts.” And she’s not much of a hunter, judging by her 25% success ratio with catching flies and moths. Also, she’s not very fast. Or motivated. Well we had some people over for a potluck/campfire/get-together type thing. The cat was around most of the evening, hiding behind the end table and generally looking pissed about all the people who had invaded her space, although she would sometimes disappear and I would find her wandering in the garage or eating out…

  • RemoteDance

    O potato, how shall I eat thee?

    The week before thanksgiving, Chris, myself, and the roommate Payson decided to host a Thanksgiving dinner for everyone at work who was away from home or just wanted an excuse to hang out and eat. The original invite list was small – but quickly outgrew our original stash of supplies (we can’t forget to invite so-and-so!). Instead of one turkey we were going to need two, plus extra potatoes and more side dishes. We put Payson in charge of buying more potatoes. Would you like to guess how many potatoes he bought? Here’s a clue: it’s one month later, and…

  • RemoteDance

    Confessions of the Directionally Challenged

    I went to the mall today, and found myself surprised by the crowds.  There were people directing traffic, there were police surveillance vans, and there were very long lines at the store registers.  I don’t know why I was surprised at this – I mean, it’s just two short weeks from Christmas.  Of course the mall is going to be a zoo. Well, actually, I do know why I was so surprised.  It’s because sometimes I am phenomenally unobservant of the world around me.  I find myself constantly surprised about very predictable events:  holiday shoppers and rush hour traffic and…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Where the Buffalo Roam…

    This is an article that was published in our campus newspaper when I was attending college there.  It was so hilarious, I laminated it and posted it to the wall of my dorm room, along with pictures of my family, a $1 tax refund check from the State of Michigan, and my class schedule. Because, you know, you *might* see a 500 pound bison roaming the campus.  But don’t worry, eventually campus officials will outsmart the very large, slow-moving animal.  Darn those bison and their excellent hiding skills.