• RemoteDance

    Arizona weather

    Chris and I were driving home one night with the sun roof open, enjoying the breeze. We could hear the quiet sounds of tires on asphalt, smell the faint scent of sprinklers running, watch the orange glow of street lights as we passed them, and feel the evening breeze as it rushed through the car. Chris leaned back in the seat and commented, “wow it sure is nice out.” “Yes,” I agreed, “what a cool breeze tonight.” “By the way,” asked my husband, “what is the temperature right now?” I glanced at the temperature gauge on the dash. “Oh…. it…

  • RemoteDance

    Are you serious right now?

    Chris and I went to the wedding of some good friends of ours this past weekend. It was beautiful and touching and…… The minister has finished telling us about how love is patient and kind and then she announces that it is time to bless the rings. All of a sudden, the groom has a panicked look on his face. He starts patting his hands on his jacket pockets, frantically searching for — you guessed it — the rings. There is an awkward pause. The groom, having searched his pockets for the third time, looks helplessly at his best man.…

  • RemoteDance

    Who knew pools were so complicated?

    Today, we discovered why our pool has been so cloudy-looking lately: And in case anyone is confused about what they are seeing, this is what our pool filter is SUPPOSED to look like: We contemplated buying a new one, and then we discovered how much they cost. If anyone ever tells you owning a pool is cheap and/or easy, they are lying. Just FYI.

  • RemoteDance

    Dive Bars and Beers

    5 Signs that your new favorite drinking establishment is a dive bar: #5 – A pitcher of beer only costs $7.00 #4 – There is a giant gaping hole behind the toilet (not to mention those curtains!) #3 – The “fancy” artwork is screwed into the wall with a handful of screws that they don’t even try to hide #2 – The pool table doubles as a beer pong table And finally, if the pool-table-turned-beer-pong isn’t enough, there is…. #1 – The sink is propped up with a 2×4 Maybe you ask what could possibly entice one to frequent this…

  • RemoteDance

    New House, New Bills

    Chris: Hey, can I throw this away? Me: What is it? Chris: The SDG&E bill I just paid online. Me: No, give it here please. Chris: Why? Me: Library card. Chris looked at me and, with that look on his face that says, I love you honey and you are so adorable but sometimes I think we inhabit a completely different universe, and said aloud, “Heh, you’re a nerd.” And if you do not know why I need a copy of a recent bill with my name on it for my first library card in this city, then you are…

  • RemoteDance

    Solution-less Puzzle

    I have been spending a lot of time lately developing my relationship with Southwest Airlines. Aside from all the fun and games that comes along with frequent flyer-ship, I’ve also spent enough time reading Spirit magazine to realize that the July issue of the crossword puzzle was missing half of the clues for the “down” column. This made me reminisce on another solution-less puzzle that I came across during my college days. I have always been a big fan of Dots candy. You know, the gumdrops that come in the yellow box. I don’t know if they still do, but…

  • RemoteDance

    I just wanted to buy some stamps

    I was in line at the post office today, waiting to purchase some stamps. There were two postal workers at the counter, and only a handful of people in line. It should have been a short wait. Unfortunately, it was apparently the day that all the “special” people fulfill their postal needs, because the entire time I was there, one of the workers was helping the same customer. Shortly after I walked in, the second worker finished helping someone mail a package, and the man in front of me went up to the counter. He had a small CD in…

  • RemoteDance

    Acts of Desperation

    It should be common knowledge by now that the cat is on a diet. Which, of course, she hates. We have an automatic feeder for her, set to go off at 6pm every evening and dispense 1/4 cup of cat food. Every evening, at 5pm, Maia can be found sitting patiently next to the feeder, and she will sit there for an hour until it makes the magic noise at 6pm which means the food is about to fall into the bowl. Sometimes, however, she gets a little desperate. Like a little kid at a candy machine, she knows where…

  • RemoteDance

    The Cruise Debacle

    Flashback Friday: when I make 2,220 people delay their vacation so that I can get a cup of coffee. Shortly after I moved to Arizona, my new friend SuzyQ and I planned a 3-day cruise from Long Beach, CA to Ensenada, Mexico. It was supposed to be a girl’s trip, but one by one people slowly backed out until all that was left was SuzyQ and myself. We decided to go anyway. The drive from Phoenix to LA is about 6 hours, so we drove up the night before and stayed with my best friend in Laguna Niguel. That part…

  • RemoteDance

    The Hat! The Hat! The Hat is on Fire!

    In order to properly understand the reference here, you must be familiar with both a) the 2004 movie Eurotrip and b) the Bloodhound Gang’s 1996 remake to “Fire Water Burn” in which the lyrics are: “the roof! the roof! the roof is on fire!” My roommate and I watched the movie Eurotrip shortly after it came out on video.  For some reason that is now unknown to me, we thought that scene where the guy’s hat was on fire and he mistook his friend’s warning for a feisty rendition of that song was the funniest thing EVER.  It was a running joke between us…