• RemoteDance

    Willie Nelson, Kid Rock, and the Mayor

    A few weekends ago, The Husband and I went to an outdoor country music festival known as “Country Thunder” located in the nearby town of Florence, AZ. The headliners for the night were Willie Nelson and Kid Rock. We did the usual giant-outdoor-music-festival activities, which included: Browsing the sales booths with the trashy t-shirts Spending 20 minutes trying to guess how many food/drinks you will eat/drink so you don’t have leftover food and beverage “tickets” and yet you don’t have to stand in line again Spending an insane amount of money on “tickets” for food and beverages Playing the beanbag…

  • RemoteDance

    I’m a Space Alien

    So imagine that you’re flying back to California after a nice visit with your family in Helena.  You’re headed back with another friend of yours, nickname “Slappy” (and for once, I did NOT make this nickname up).  The flight takes off and you close your eyes for a little nappy-nappy time. The next thing you know, you wake up and the airplane has made an emergency landing in Idaho Falls and your friend is in handcuffs for trying to gain access to the cockpit by claiming he is a space alien. Yes, I said space alien. Don’t believe me?  Here’s…

  • RemoteDance


    Last week my husband and I were afforded the opportunity to go see the San Diego Padres play the Milwaukee Brewers, courtesy of a client. We got to sit in the sky box and watch the game while munching on appetizers and reclining on a leather sofa. Although it was a work thing, so we had to talk about work stuff every now and then with the client. All in all, it was a pretty entertaining game. And then there was the ride home. Because of the scarcity of parking downtown, where the stadium is, a group of us from…

  • RemoteDance

    An Open Letter to Mr. Loud Talker

    Dear Mr. Loud Talker: I’m sure you probably don’t realize that your voice carries so well through the hotel walls. For your information, I can hear every single one of your phone conversations with crystal clarity. I really don’t need to know that much about your business. And I’m not trying to listen in, really I’m not. You’re just so LOUD it’s unavoidable. But here’s the thing. You know that really shrill, annoying, bell-like ring tone you chose? And you know that time, at 5AM, when most people are sleeping? That is a GOOD TIME for you to have your…

  • RemoteDance

    The Clampetts Move to Phoenix

    Okay, so we might be a little redneck. And I say “we” in that affectionate, my-husband-is-so-I-am-by-association sort of way. I guess we have established already that we can light a fire with a blow torch and live in a trailer and enjoy NASCAR so it’s not a far stretch to imagine the “formal entryway” to our new home. Allow me to share a picture. Oh, what is that in the corner?  Is that the arcade game Big Buck Hunter? Why yes, it does appear to be Big Buck Hunter.  Let’s take a closer look… Yep, definitely Big Buck Hunter (PRO! Open Season!). …

  • RemoteDance

    It’s a Coupon!

    I know I’ve been sort of absent lately. There has been a lot of stuff to do at work and a lot of improvements on the new house and also last Sunday I was extremely occupied with reading a book by the pool and getting a pedicure. So sue me. In lieu of an actual, interesting post, I’ll share one of the tidbits I came across when cleaning house. As you may recall, I’m not very good at getting rid of things. So when I found this Mervyn’s coupon, it was not much of a surprise. Maybe you might notice a…

  • RemoteDance

    Crazy Cat Lady

    I used to tell people that if I never met The One, I would grow up to be the “crazy cat lady.” You know, the weird sweet little old lady who lives down the block in a 2-bedroom craftsman-style house with her 5 million cats. AND/OR: I’d be like the lady I encountered on an LA freeway last week, putzing along with multiple bumper stickers proclaiming her love for all things feline: Thankfully for all involved, I did meet The One, and he has a strict “2-cat maximum” policy. But I still love my cat. A LOT. I mean, if…

  • RemoteDance

    A Housewarming Party, by the numbers

    People attending the party: People who got lost on the way because Google Maps doesn’t know where our address is: People it took to figure out our new coffeepot: People who locked themselves in our bathroom due to the faulty door: People who called us from inside the bathroom to come and let them out: Adult beverages spilled on the floor: Times were were glad we chose tile instead of carpet: Bottles of wine that we received as housewarming gifts: People who accidentally fell into the pool: High-dollar steaks that almost got burned (but didn’t): People sleeping on our couch…

  • RemoteDance

    Bin There, Done That

    Maybe other people have this problem. I can’t be the only one. But every time I go to the airport, the number of gray plastic bins that I have to push through the security checkpoint is borderline ridiculous. Let’s do a little exercise, called “How Many Bins Does it Take To Get Through Security.” Bin #1: jacket, shoesBin #2: purse, cell phone, beltBin #3: plastic bag of liquids, whatever item of permissible food-stuffs that I am carryingBin #4: laptop And then, of course, there are the non-bin items, such as my laptop case and carry-on suitcase. I have, on occasion,…