• Family - Throwback - Travel

    Blue Jeans and Plaid Shirts

    1999 marked the beginning of the end for mall culture. I should know. I grew up as a teenage girl in its heyday. I still remember the Britney Spears poster displayed in the window of the record store, and the glitter eyeshadow at Claire’s. My sign-language class performed Frosty the Snowman on the mall stage during the holidays (Fun fact: to this day, I can still sign the entire lyrics to that song). When I was 14, our girl scout troop did an overnight sleepover at the mall with hundreds of other lucky teenage girls. These were the years that…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    I Love Cats

    We’ve talked about this before. About how I would totally have been the crazy cat lady had I not met my husband and thus had to follow his strict 2-cat maximum policy. As a child, we had the sweetest, most tolerant little Abyssinian named Asha. She loved me, she truly did, and I loved her back. Although sometimes as a child I did not make the best decisions in favor of our friendship. As in Christmas of 1991: Also, I was really ahead of my time in terms of “pet fashion.” I’m pretty sure that before celebrities started wandering around…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Hairstyle choices of the 1980s

    I have a very clear memory of my 4th grade picture day. I wore my best dress, the black one with the white lace ruffles. It made me feel grown-up and sophisticated. And I knew exactly how I wanted to style my hair. However, I had to enlist my mother’s help to compete the coiffure. So there we were, my mother and I, standing in front of the bathroom mirror. She was poised behind me with a comb and I held the hair band and white lace ribbon at the ready. “Are you sure this is what you want, honey?”…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Memoir Monday: How NOT to Rent a Car in France

    How not to rent a car in France, in six easy steps When I was 19, I spent a semester in France. The university I attended was just about 2 hours west of Paris, so at one point, my best friend and I decided that it would be a good idea to rent a car and drive to Paris. Step 1: You must be 25 to rent a car in Paris. If you are not 25, play dumb until the last minute when the rental car guy asks for your driver’s license/passport/international ID card. At that point it’s too late…

  • Fun - RemoteDance - Throwback

    TYSE #4: Hospitality Mints

    Since I have been sort of unfairly picking on Chris these lasts few posts, I suppose it’s time to make fun of myself. I haven’t done a “Things You Shouldn’t Eat” in a while so it seems fitting to share this bit of advice with you all. Last Christmas, Chris and I were invited to a Christmas Party to be hosted at one of the restaurants in downtown San Diego. Specifically, at Dick’s Last Resort. If you haven’t heard of it, the basic operating premise is that the waitstaff are total a-holes, and people do crazy things like wad up…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Where the Buffalo Roam…

    This is an article that was published in our campus newspaper when I was attending college there.  It was so hilarious, I laminated it and posted it to the wall of my dorm room, along with pictures of my family, a $1 tax refund check from the State of Michigan, and my class schedule. Because, you know, you *might* see a 500 pound bison roaming the campus.  But don’t worry, eventually campus officials will outsmart the very large, slow-moving animal.  Darn those bison and their excellent hiding skills.

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    The Great Banana Mystery

    It first happened in 2003. I had just graduated college, picked up stakes and moved to Los Angeles to “live the dream.” (I never did make it as a Hollywood actress, but at a minimum, I guess you actually have to go to auditions). Anyway, on my fairly limited budget (did I mention that I did not have a job lined up when I moved?) I bought some groceries, including a small bunch of bananas. After putting away the groceries and making myself a light dinner, I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and decided that a…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Spring Cleaning

    This May, Chris and I decided the house needed a major makeover. Especially since we had some potential tenants to rent our spare rooms. The list of “home makeover” items included cleaning/organizing the house (finally putting away our boxes of wedding gifts!) and landscaping the backyard. More on the backyard later. My first spring cleaning project: cleaning out unnecessary stuff from the garage. When I moved in to the house from my apartment, there was a lot of my stuff that landed in the garage, in boxes, and the boxes have been collecting dust ever since. Chris had cleaned out…