Family - Parenting


One summer when I was fourteen, I decided I wanted to stretch out my school break indefinitely. Make it feel as endless as possible.

And I did, actually, succeed. Bike rides, tree-climbing, and nature hikes. Books, board games, ice cream, campfires, swimming, and beaches. Even though there wasn’t actually more time in my summer, I tried to savor every moment, and it felt longer.

It was glorious.

I have never quite re-created the magic of that one summer, yet it sticks with me to this day. It’s what I want for my children.

The truth is it feels like a struggle some (most?) days. And even in this year of 2020, the year of the extended school vacation and seemingly endless days of unscheduled and uncharted territory… electronics get in the way.

Which is why I love this photo so much.

Two boys and their bikes. The long shadows of a beautiful July day winding down. Sticks and rocks and leaves in their hands.

This road ahead and behind, one of endless possiblities.

We may not find it every day, but — at least for today — we found it.