
Goodbye, Arizona

Arizona will always hold a special place in my heart. That is a super cheesy thing to say, but – well – it’s the truth. Arizona is where I learned to reach outside of my comfort zone to make new friends. It’s where I met my husband, fell in love, bought a home, and started a family. It’s where I watched my tiny babies grow into little boys. Their first smiles, first steps, first “I love yous.”

But things change. The one constant about life is that it is never constant. And as our little family grows, we find ourselves looking for a new place to call home.

This blog marks the start of our Midwestern adventure. We bought a little farmhouse on a couple of acres in Iowa. We put our Arizona house on the market, and it, shockingly, sold almost right away to another family, one who we hope fills the house with love and laughter, and appreciates it as much as we did.

But as our close date approaches, the reality sets in. This is really happening. Aside from the actual logistics of packing and moving, there is so much I want to squeeze in before we leave – one last time eating at my favorite restaurants, one last visit to the kids doctors, one last desert hike, one last get-together with all of our friends. (Who I hope will come visit us in Iowa, by the way).

Happy trails, Arizona.