Family - Fun - Parenting

In the Blink of an Eye

I touched on this the other day, when I wrote: Time flies slowly then disappears in the blink of an eye.

In our family, we are at that cusp. That age when you recognize that your kids are Big Kids. Just a few years away from Teenagers. That every moment they are still a Little Kid – you should cherish that. It’s almost a part of your past. They are almost too grown for those midnight nightmares and impromptu hugs and can-you-cut-the-crusts-off-my-bread.

Which is why, as a grown woman of over 40 years old, for the last two nights I raced around the house with a child on my back, both of us laughing hysterically and the dog tagging along in a very happy (if confused) manner. And then I did it all over again for the other child.

Because last night, the kids begged me for a piggyback ride from the couch to their beds.

They ask this somewhat frequently – one last hurrah before bedtime – and usually the answer is no. Mom and dad are tired. And old. And you kids are so big these days.

But last night – last night was a moment.

I kept thinking about that blink of time. About how these moments where they ask me for a piggyback ride are coming to a close. This time next year, they probably won’t even ask.

And so last night, I said yes.

Yes to the piggyback rides, yes to throwing them on their beds in a fit of giggles, and yes to when the dog tries to nip my shirt and I twist my bad knee and we all almost go down in a pile of overtired kid and overrun parent and over-enthusiastic pet.

Tonight, they asked again.

I said yes, again.

As a parent, I can’t always say yes to everything. In fact, I probably say “no” more often than I need to.

But I am so, so glad I was able to step back for a moment.

And say yes to their childhood.