Fun - Travel

Maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of the sailboat

As soon as we were settled in the rental house, we made the two-block walk to the beach.

It was cold, but that didn’t stop us.

The beach was everything we could have ever wanted. Pristine, white sand. Turquoise waters. Gorgeous sunset.

However, if you look at the two photos above, you will notice something missing from our pictures the rest of the trip.

It’s this guy and his boat.

Argh, matey

He had clearly run aground. A crowd gathered to watch. Beach patrol and emergency responders arrived.

The guy refused rescue, saying he wanted to remain on his boat. Eventually, the emergency responders left. As one said, with a shrug, “we can’t forcibly remove him from the boat.”

The guy remained on his boat until the beach patrol and emergency responders left, and most of the onlookers dispersed. He then rowed a dingy to shore where he said he had a friend coming to pick him up. A couple of bystanders offered him assistance, but he said he had it handled.

He did not have it handled.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 4
Day 5

According to reports, the boat was still there almost two weeks later, and Fish and Wildlife had taken charge of getting the boat removed from the beach.

It’s funny, until you realize that somebody is gonna end up paying for that removal job, and it most likely isn’t the guy who ran it aground.