• Family - Fun - Travel

    The Drum Circle

    Our vacation on Siesta Key wouldn’t be complete without a mention of the Drum Circle. Held every Sunday, one hour before sunset, the internets told me it was a fantastic (and free) family event, filled with brightly-colored dancers and jugglers, performed on the pristine white beach of Siesta Key, where performers encouraged visitors old and young alike to hula-hoop and children danced happily to the beat of the drums. Even the ladies sitting next to me on the plane said they had been, and sang its praises. So we went. EXPECTATION REALITY One more time, for fun… EXPECTATION REALITY It…

  • Family - Fun - Travel

    Siesta Key Vacation

    This past week we took a family vacation to Siesta Key. The four of us, along with many members of Chris’s extended family. His mom (who initiated this trip and generously provided the rental accommodations as part of her Christmas gift to us), his sister and her family, his other sister and her husband, and his cousin. In total, eight adults and four kids ages 5 and under. At least our adult-to-child ratio had the kids outnumbered 2 to 1. Our rental was amazing and beautiful and had this gorgeous upper deck perfect for watching the full lunar eclipse on…

  • Fun - Travel

    Maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of the sailboat

    As soon as we were settled in the rental house, we made the two-block walk to the beach. It was cold, but that didn’t stop us. The beach was everything we could have ever wanted. Pristine, white sand. Turquoise waters. Gorgeous sunset. However, if you look at the two photos above, you will notice something missing from our pictures the rest of the trip. It’s this guy and his boat. He had clearly run aground. A crowd gathered to watch. Beach patrol and emergency responders arrived. The guy refused rescue, saying he wanted to remain on his boat. Eventually, the…

  • Family - Throwback - Travel

    Blue Jeans and Plaid Shirts

    1999 marked the beginning of the end for mall culture. I should know. I grew up as a teenage girl in its heyday. I still remember the Britney Spears poster displayed in the window of the record store, and the glitter eyeshadow at Claire’s. My sign-language class performed Frosty the Snowman on the mall stage during the holidays (Fun fact: to this day, I can still sign the entire lyrics to that song). When I was 14, our girl scout troop did an overnight sleepover at the mall with hundreds of other lucky teenage girls. These were the years that…

  • Fun - Travel

    Cats and Chickens

    I went to Key West and I mostly took photos of cats and chickens. No, seriously. If you’ve ever been to the southernmost point of the United States, then you’re aware that chickens – both hens, roosters, and their offspring – freely roam the streets. These so-called “gypsy chickens” are super cute if you’re a tourist, and – I would imagine – super annoying if you’re a resident. I was a tourist and therefore, I delighted in taking photos of these wild fowl. And since you see them everywhere… well, I ended up with lots of photos of chickens doing…

  • Family - Parenting


    Just another weekday-night. 7:30 PM. Begin a very relaxed, unhurried bedtime routine. Get little faces and hands washed, teeth brushed, pajamas on, and bedtime stories chosen. 8:00 PM. Finish reading the last story. Tuck the boys in and kiss them goodnight. Manage to get downstairs without any extra requests for water, night-light adjustments, hugs/kisses, songs, questions about tomorrow’s schedule, etc. 8:30 PM. Sitting on the couch and hear the creak of a door being opened, and the pitter-patter of little feet. Assume someone has a sudden urge to pee, and ignore it. The pitter-patter continues and then, two little boys…

  • Family - Parenting


    There are many important milestone’s in your child’s life. We all discuss the firsts: first words, first steps, first day of school. We compare accomplishments: ditching the diapers, eating solid foods, learning how to ride a bike. But there are some milestones that, while not often discussed, are just as important. Here is a selection of them, to give you an idea: When they are old enough to tattle on you to the other parent (Mommy hit the mailbox with the car!) When they outgrow the baby hangers and you have to buy them full-sized ones (how did my little…

  • Family - Parenting

    Two Simple Things

    I’ve read a lot of parenting books.  This doesn’t mean that I’m an expert on parenting.  In fact, it doesn’t even mean that I really know anything extra about parenting.  It doesn’t mean that I am the perfect parent or have all the answers.  It simply means that I like to read and have ambitions of being a good parent. I believe that I succeed more than I fail, and my kids love me, so I must be doing something right. But in all those books and blog entries and articles that I’ve read, I’ve noticed a few common themes.…

  • Family - Food - Parenting

    Mealtime with Small Children

    I wrote a poem about how our dinner usually goes these days. Enjoy. Conducting a Meal I am the tuner of the room I am Magnanimous of patience I am calm, cool, and collected until I am not. Stop, I say, don’t whine. Don’t throw your fork On the floor don’t smear yogurt on your face. Wait, I say, come back here. You’re not done eating And the cat does not like to be pulled by her tail. I pause. Deep breath to fold in the yelling and I Take out my imaginary conductor’s wand Directing two small bodies back…

  • Family - Parenting

    The Trade-off

    Chris and I were laying in bed this morning, listening to the boys chatting with each other in the living room. Chris: Is Aiden making breakfast for both of them? This is nice. I could get used to this. Me: Yes, but there is usually a trade-off. Like cereal all over the floor or two cups of milk on the counter. After a short while longer of listening to their sweet voices, I get up to find out how they are doing. I notice small wrappers scattered all over the floor, and immediately piece together what has happened. They had…