
Planes, Plumbers, and Automobiles

I know I’ve been kind of lackadaisical on the blog lately.

It’s not that things aren’t exciting around these parts…

I mean, Chris met the governor and we found out why our water bill was so high that the lady at Public Works almost fell out of her chair when she saw the bill and we hung Christmas lights and shorted out Christmas lights and bathed the dog a lot because for some reason she is extra smelly right now. Also, I bought an outfit to wear to the company Christmas party and the cat peed on the white carpet we just had professionally shampooed after a house party tracked black dirt everywhere and tomorrow the plumber is coming to possibly tear up the foundation of our house to fix the leaky pipe. Our pool is still mysteriously broken (which is completely unrelated to the water bill) and my tax preparer finally send the rebuttal to the IRS as to why they should not revoke my first time homebuyer’s credit so hopefully sometime before next year’s taxes are due I might get last year’s refund. Chris learned a valuable lesson on the importance of making sure the oil cap to the airplane is screwed on rightly and we got to see the emergency response vehicles at the airport in action and drive back to San Diego while they cleaned the oil off the plane. And of course the car needs to be serviced and the rent is due. Oh, but the weather around here has been beautiful.


Mr. Schwarzenegger