• Uncategorized

    Happy Birthday to Me

    Last week was my 29th birthday.  Or, as I kept telling my friends, “The first of many 29th birthdays to come.” There wasn’t a big to-do because, frankly, I just wanted to hang out at a nice restaurant with my friends.  I had a delicious Italian meal, topped off with Tiramisu for dessert.  I was actually too stuffed to eat more than a bite of the Tiramisu, so it was boxed up and we sent it home with our roommate to put in the fridge, since we were going out to the bar and she was going straight home.  The next morning…

  • RemoteDance

    Don’t Skimp the Small Stuff

    Sometimes, it’s the little things. Like getting excited that your ice cube tray actually makes ice cubes. Our teeny little RV fridge supposedly has an icemaker. I say “supposedly” because it’s never worked. We haven’t bothered to get it fixed, and in the meantime we’re using a temporary ice cube tray. Have you ever seen one of those miniature ice cube trays that come with the dorm-sized refrigerators? Each ice cube is about the size of a marble? That’s what we used the first six months (yeah, temporary). Eventually we got tired of using the entire tray ON ONE DRINK. We…