• RemoteDance


    Today was pick-the-dog-up-from-the-kennel day. As I walked in, two of the staffers were just about to leave for the day, and they were at the front chatting with the girl behind the desk about work stuff. All three all smiled and greeted me when I came in. I told them I was there to pick up Chloe, and one of the girls went back to get her while I paid. You can always tell when they’re walking out with your dog, because all the other dogs in the kennel start barking. So I can hear them coming … and then……

  • RemoteDance

    Chloe gives *us* a present for *her* birthday

    My favorite local radio hosts, John Jay and Rich, do this segment on Mondays entitled, “After this weekend, I will never do ______ again.” So let’s just say that after this weekend, I will never get on the airplane without hand sanitizer again. Wednesday was the dog’s birthday. She turned 2, and in celebration of this event the husband bought her a giant steak, which he grilled and cut up into little pieces. We tried to get her to pose for a photo, but she wouldn’t tear her face away from the food dish long enough to snap the shutter.…

  • RemoteDance

    Thanks for the gift…

    To Whom It May Concern: We would like to thank you for your excellent choice in wedding gifts. The glasses will come in very handy for beverage consumption. Our Labrador retriever, Chloe, has already field-tested them, and they hold up well in rugged outdoor conditions. Not that we ever expect to throw them down on the grass and roll them around the yard, or chew on them, but if we ever did, we know that these glasses would remain both unbroken and unscratched after a long day of such activities. You see, when the mail person delivers our packages, it…