• Marriage - RemoteDance

    I’m not buying him a hearing aid…

    …he did it to himself. When Chris first bought the surround sound, he tested it out.  I was one floor up on the opposite side of the house, in the closet, and I could still tell what movie he was watching. (I was putting away laundry, in case anyone was wondering why I was hanging out in the closet). Well, he now has decided he needs to show our roommates the awesome power of the surround sound.  Here I sit, minding my own business trolling the internet, when suddenly… I am transported to a front row seat at the world’s largest movie theater. …

  • RemoteDance

    Mr. Davidson, as in Harley

    The husband has been drooling over a Harley. A friend of a friend is selling it dirt cheap and plus, says the husband, it’s got like, $5000 worth of chrome on it! Which, apparently, makes the asking price a fantastic deal. So we have to buy it now, he says. Deals like this don’t happen every day, he says. “But,” I argued, “do you really need all that chrome? I mean, without the chrome it’s really just a fair price, rather than a fantastic steal, right?” He maintained it was a fantastic price. I tried another tactic. “But won’t all that chrome get hot? You know,…

  • RemoteDance

    That old joke about light bulbs

    Q: How many grown men does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: Apparently, seven, if beer is involved. It was a relaxing Saturday evening, and we were at a friend’s house for a Cinco de Mayo party. The boys were playing their favorite game, “washoes,” which is basically a cross between horseshoes and sandbags, only it involves astroturf and giant washers. The sun was setting, and the guys needed more light for their game. They turned on the outside flood lights, but quickly discovered that the crucial game-illuminating light was not working. They all clustered around the defective…

  • RemoteDance

    Trick my Truck

    A little over a year ago, my husband and I purchased a Ford F-350, King Ranch edition. It takes diesel fuel, has a leather interior, and can haul 15,000 pounds down the freeway at 80 miles an hour. It also comes with a handy catalog where I can buy (were I so inclined) pricey furniture in the form of cow hide sofas and antler chandeliers. My husband has been dreaming up ways to improve the thing since about 2 days before we even signed the purchasing paperwork. The latest project is a lift kit. For months, he has been asking…