• Family - Fun


    Chris and I haven’t been camping since before the kids. (I mean, assuming you don’t count the two times we set up the tent in our backyard so our oldest could have a night under the stars with dad while I stayed inside with the baby). I’ve always loved camping, especially tent camping. But with little ones it seemed like it would be a lot of work. It’s probably not, but like anything can be intimidating until you’ve gotten the routine down. This Memorial weekend we pulled the trigger. Even though our version of camping was setting up our tent…

  • Family - Fun - Travel

    The Drum Circle

    Our vacation on Siesta Key wouldn’t be complete without a mention of the Drum Circle. Held every Sunday, one hour before sunset, the internets told me it was a fantastic (and free) family event, filled with brightly-colored dancers and jugglers, performed on the pristine white beach of Siesta Key, where performers encouraged visitors old and young alike to hula-hoop and children danced happily to the beat of the drums. Even the ladies sitting next to me on the plane said they had been, and sang its praises. So we went. EXPECTATION REALITY One more time, for fun… EXPECTATION REALITY It…

  • Family - Fun - Travel

    Siesta Key Vacation

    This past week we took a family vacation to Siesta Key. The four of us, along with many members of Chris’s extended family. His mom (who initiated this trip and generously provided the rental accommodations as part of her Christmas gift to us), his sister and her family, his other sister and her husband, and his cousin. In total, eight adults and four kids ages 5 and under. At least our adult-to-child ratio had the kids outnumbered 2 to 1. Our rental was amazing and beautiful and had this gorgeous upper deck perfect for watching the full lunar eclipse on…

  • Fun - Travel

    Maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of the sailboat

    As soon as we were settled in the rental house, we made the two-block walk to the beach. It was cold, but that didn’t stop us. The beach was everything we could have ever wanted. Pristine, white sand. Turquoise waters. Gorgeous sunset. However, if you look at the two photos above, you will notice something missing from our pictures the rest of the trip. It’s this guy and his boat. He had clearly run aground. A crowd gathered to watch. Beach patrol and emergency responders arrived. The guy refused rescue, saying he wanted to remain on his boat. Eventually, the…

  • Family - Throwback - Travel

    Blue Jeans and Plaid Shirts

    1999 marked the beginning of the end for mall culture. I should know. I grew up as a teenage girl in its heyday. I still remember the Britney Spears poster displayed in the window of the record store, and the glitter eyeshadow at Claire’s. My sign-language class performed Frosty the Snowman on the mall stage during the holidays (Fun fact: to this day, I can still sign the entire lyrics to that song). When I was 14, our girl scout troop did an overnight sleepover at the mall with hundreds of other lucky teenage girls. These were the years that…