• RemoteDance

    How to freak out your dental hygienist

    I had a dentist appointment today, and while I won’t go so far as to say that I like going to the dentist, I will say that I don’t mind it so much.  This is largely due to the fact that I have never had a cavity and therefore never been subject to the painful and tedious side of dentistry. Everything looked good on my checkup, but I did need some work done to the sealants on my back molars.  The original plan was to sand down the sealants and apply new sealant without anesthetic.  This plan did not last very long.…

  • Food - Marriage - RemoteDance

    The Sniff Test

    Chris and I have differing opinions on when food in the refrigerator is still edible. For the most part, as long as the food item still passes the “sniff test,” I figure it is still edible. The only foods which don’t get the sniff test: bread, and meat. Bread does not get the sniff test because you can usually tell if it’s bad long before you need to smell it. It’s either hard as a rock, moldy, or (if it’s been long enough) hard and moldy. Meat does not get the sniff test because the thought of eating rotten meat…

  • RemoteDance

    Put Away Your Tinfoil!

    People are silly. Hollywood makes a movie and suddenly, everyone believes that the world is going to end in 2012?  I mean, it’s all fine and good if you follow some sort of conspiracy theory based on Nostradamus’ predictions or Mayan calendars or even actual scientific fact… but don’t start jumping on the bandwagon because Hollywood tells you so!  I mean, c’mon, if everything Hollywood says is true, giant alien robots are secretly living amongst us, vampires are mostly-harmless tortured souls struggling against their evil nature while falling madly in love with teenage girls, and every bachelor party in Vegas ends up at…

  • RemoteDance

    Is That a Rooster, or…?

    Los Angeles is suffering from a crisis. No, it’s not state’s largest fire since 1897, with a smoke cloud seen all the way from Vegas to Denver (seriously). It’s not the post-Michael-Jackson music industry, the increasing prevalence of gang activity, or the dead bodies and trash floating out in to the Pacific Ocean from the Los Angeles River. Nor is it the fact that taxpayers received IOU’s, the animal shelters are overcrowded, and Renee Zellweger was in a car crash. (read: minor fender bender with no injuries. Renee spotted for the first time since accident! The headlines screamed the next…

  • RemoteDance

    Not really the end of the world

    Whenever I hear Chris say, “Honey, you are a very smart, intelligent woman… but every once in a while…” I know I probably should have thought through whatever I just said before I said it aloud. Like tonight. We were flipping through the television channels and came across that new Discovery show The Colony.  “What’s it about?” our roommate asked. “It’s a bunch of people who have to rebuild civilization after the end of the world and stuff.” We discuss the show for a few minutes more, while the lady onscreen spends a LOT of time making a punching bag out…

  • RemoteDance - Throwback

    Spring Cleaning

    This May, Chris and I decided the house needed a major makeover. Especially since we had some potential tenants to rent our spare rooms. The list of “home makeover” items included cleaning/organizing the house (finally putting away our boxes of wedding gifts!) and landscaping the backyard. More on the backyard later. My first spring cleaning project: cleaning out unnecessary stuff from the garage. When I moved in to the house from my apartment, there was a lot of my stuff that landed in the garage, in boxes, and the boxes have been collecting dust ever since. Chris had cleaned out…

  • Marriage - RemoteDance

    A Simple Solution

    The other evening, Chris and I were watching one of the few television shows that we both really enjoy. Chris got up during a commercial break and left the room, and just as he got up, the TV screen turned black. No sound, no picture, nothing. The television was on, but the cable wasn’t. I pulled the remote out of the couch cushion where Chris had been sitting, and mess with it for a while trying to get the TV to work. No luck. “Chris,” I say mournfully when he returns, “the cable’s not working.” He checks to make sure…

  • RemoteDance

    Celebrate Slippers

    Today is Thursday, May 14th, 2009. Did you know? Today is “Let’s-everybody-wear-our-houseslippers-to-Subway-day.” I say this because, in the space of 15 minutes while ordering my sandwich, I saw – not one – but TWO people wearing slippers in the store. And no, these people did not know each other or come in to the store together. It wasn’t some sort of statement, they really were just wearing their house slippers out in public. And when I say house slippers, I don’t mean those Croc things that somehow, despite all the best efforts of the Fashion Police, managed to become acceptable…

  • RemoteDance

    Twinkle, Twinkle

    Last night we decided to leave the windows open and take advantage of the mild spring weather. With the lights off in the house, we had a nice view of the yard and sky outside. Gazing out across the night sky, I remarked to Chris, “Look, honey, you can see the stars! That one right there is especially bright. Maybe it’s a planet.” Chris, ever the disbeliever, remarked, “yeah, a planet… OR, an airplane. Or a streetlight.” “Hey,” I exclaimed, “I am not RETARDED!” I was pretty sure I could tell the difference between the stars and the streetlights. Chris…