
The Best Time for Home Renovation

My husband has a twin brother, we call him Frick.

Together, they are Frick and Frack.

I have heard stories about what they were like as children.  I won’t go into detail, but let’s just say the phrase “double trouble” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Anyway, Frack’s brother Frick (he’s the one in the pink shirt… ahh hahaha) had a baby with his lady, Yvonne, on the 31st.  (Yvonne is not her real name.  I don’t think people are even named Yvonne anymore.)

Frick was also in the process of completing a home renovation.  With a pregnant Yvonne.  It was four days to baby, and the bedroom and the future baby’s room needed paint, sanding, staining, varnishing, and trim.  And of course there were baby clothes to wash, bottles to sanitize, and hospital bags to pack.  There were sanders and saws going nonstop, family and friends running here and there, and dust covering every inch.  Furniture needed cleaning and arranging once the renovations were complete.  We decided that “Saint Yvonne” was a more apt title, as she sat calmly downstairs, away from the dust but still somehow in the midst of noise and chaos.

“How do you put up with all this?”  we asked her.
“Well,” she replied, “I already tried yelling and that didn’t work.”

But before we knew it, there was a new precious little addition to the fam:

And, thanks to the hard work, dedication, and help of family and friends, Yvonne and Brick (that’s Baby Frick to you) came home from the hospital to a sparkling clean, fully-renovated house. Completed just in the Frick… uh, I mean nick of time.

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