Family - Fun - Marriage

The Things that Bring Us Together

“Mom,” my oldest son asked me, “why are you taking a picture of your shoes?”

And I really was taking a picture of my shoes.

“Well bud,” I replied, “Do you know I haven’t worn these shoes in a long time? Do you know the last time I wore these shoes?”

He shook his head.

“My wedding. When your dad and I got married.”

His eyes got big.

“Yep, over 10 years ago. Before you and your brother were even born. So, I took this picture to remember how much has changed since then. And how much I love everyone and everything in our lives.”

Okay, so maybe being at my first post-pandemic wedding was making me wax a little nostalgic. Because last year was not the year of interpersonal connections. And honestly, this year hasn’t really been, either. But I hope if there’s one positive thing we can take away from all this, it is the importance of community. Of face-to-face and physical touch.

Handshakes and hugs, kissing babies, dancing together and singing at the top of our lungs when everyone can hear. Watching someone with a smile on their face and loving their humanity.

Making memories that are spoken, not typed.

Because what brings us together is the only thing that will save us.

And also, these shoes are REALLY comfortable. Maybe not the most stylish but 10/10 would recommend for dancing in a dress at a wedding.