
This is 40

I turned four decades old today.

I don’t feel 40. Mostly.

I’m still the same person I was at twenty only I’m not interested in after-hours nightclubs and my knees pop every time I sit down.

But you know, same.

This is my forty, in all its brutal honesty:

  • I wear wrist braces at night to keep my carpel tunnel at bay.
  • I need compression socks and blood thinning medication.
  • I wear contact lenses and slather on wrinkle creams.
  • I consider Netflix and a glass of wine to be a fun Friday night.

But here’s the thing. This is also my forty:

  • I know how to love freely, unabashedly, and without strings.
  • I can complete a strict pull-up and deadlift more than my bodyweight.
  • I can raise my children with the empathy and wisdom born from experience.
  • I know how to spot a toxic friend and cut them out of my life.
  • I can cook without a recipe… and it still tastes good.

I am not the same person who ran barefoot around her college campus in the 90s. But I like to think I’m just an upgraded model.

A few more lines and a couple creaky joints, but an overall improvement.

You can do amazing things. Don’t let your number be an age.

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