
Time to Embarrass Myself

The Husband and I had the following conversation.

THB: So I just got caught up reading all your blogs.
ME: Cool.
THB: But I don’t understand what the picture of me and my brother at Disneyland has to do with anything.
ME: It was to show off your twin-ness.
THB: I think it was just to make fun of us.
ME: Technically, it was only making fun of Frick. He was the one wearing the pink shirt.
THB: Yes, and I’m sure Frick really appreciates you pointing that out.
ME: Frick doesn’t read my blog.
THB: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
ME: Well, I could put an embarrassing photo of myself on the blog. To even things out.
THB: I highly doubt that Frick cares if you make fun of yourself.
ME: I’ll give it a shot anyway.

As promised….

I look mad. I’m not mad. I wanted my hair permed.