
Time to head to the sacred caves

Er, I mean, it’s Valentine’s Day.  (If you want to make sense of my obscure reference, click the link here on Roman History).

Because I like having an excuse to dress up all pretty and have a candlelit dinner with my honey, Chris and I celebrated with a romantic Saturday night at one of our favorite local restaurants.  (Celebrating a day early because you know, the whole Monday-workday thing).  Our first choice was one of the valley’s most popular romantic dinner destinations, and this is what they told me when I called:

ME: I know this is probably a silly question but, do you have any available reservations tonight?
HOST: (Once he stopped laughing hysterically) No, I’m sorry, we’re all booked.
ME: That’s pretty much what I expec–
HOST: Oh, wait, I shouldn’t say that.  That’s not true.  We could probably fit you in… 11?  11:30?
ME:  11:00 PM?
HOST:  Yes.
ME:  Okay, um, well… thanks anyway.

When I visited their website later I noticed that they started taking reservations January 7th.  Not really a surprise that they were booked.  But our second choice was just as delicious, and we were able to snag a reservation at the (comparatively) early hour of 9:00 PM.

Also, last Thursday I made some Red Velvet cupcakes for everyone at work.  I was so proud of how pretty they looked that I spent a good half an hour taking about twelve thousand pictures of them from all different angles.  I had to hold them up really high to get enough light from the overhead lamp.  Thankfully Chris was sleeping on the couch while I was doing this, so no one was around to look at me all weird as I performed the awkward ballet of balancing a plateful of cupcakes while simultaneously shoving a camera lens close enough to touch the frosting.

And, as these type of things go, it turns out the first picture I took was the best one.

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