
Twinkle, Twinkle

Last night we decided to leave the windows open and take advantage of the mild spring weather.
With the lights off in the house, we had a nice view of the yard and sky outside. Gazing out across the night sky, I remarked to Chris, “Look, honey, you can see the stars! That one right there is especially bright. Maybe it’s a planet.”

Chris, ever the disbeliever, remarked, “yeah, a planet… OR, an airplane. Or a streetlight.”

“Hey,” I exclaimed, “I am not RETARDED!”

I was pretty sure I could tell the difference between the stars and the streetlights.

Chris looked out the window. “It’s an airplane. It’s blinking.”

Self-assured, I replied, “It’s blinking because of the gasses in the atmosphere… of course, planets don’t blink quite as much as stars, but…”

“Yeah, it’s a planet — planet Southwest Airlines!”

“No, I’m pretty sure it’s a planet… or a star,” I insisted.

“Look,” he said, “you can see it moving. And… wait… there it goes… and it’s gone. I can’t even see it any more.”


Chris just looked at me, and we both started laughing. In between chuckles, he got out, “You’re ‘not retarded,’ huh?