
Weirder than leaving my keys in the fridge

I do sometimes make fun of my husband in this blog. But I try to keep it a little bit balanced, like when I told about how I leave my keys in the fridge…. intentionally. Since I figure I am a bit overdue for some self-ridicule, I thought to share this story.

The other day, I stopped by the house on my lunch break. Since I work about 5 minutes from where I live, this is easily accomplished within my allotted break time. I made myself a sandwich, then sat down on the couch to enjoy my lunch. I had my phone nearby so that I could be available for any important work phone calls or emails. After some time, I had finished my lunch and went to gather up my things and leave.

I couldn’t find my phone.

The logical conclusion was that it had fallen between the couch cushions. I tore the couch apart (twice), searched the entire house, tried retracing my steps – all to no avail. Since I had no spare phone with which I could call myself, I finally gave up with the thought that I would look for it later that evening when I was off work.

After I got off work, I went in to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. I finished drinking it, then walked over to the dishwasher to load the dirty glass.

I opened the dishwasher. And there was my phone.

Yes, it’s true. In a moment of absentmindedness, apparently, I put my phone away in the dishwasher. My. phone. was. in. the. dishwasher.

As I sit here writing this post, my husband is looking over my shoulder. “What is that you’re typing?” he asks. “All that < ahref > stuff? What’s with all the a’s?”

“It’s just html code. For inserting links and stuff.”

“Ohhhhh…. YOU’RE A NERD!”

“You take that back! I was going to write a nice blog post where I didn’t make fun of you but now you ruined it!”

“I don’t care,” he said, “you make fun of me anyway.”

“Well,” I exclaimed, “it’s just basic computer stuff!”

“NERDY NERDY NERDY!” and then, mimicking me in an unflattering manner, “It’s just basic html code… It’s just basic NERDINESS.”

So, just for that, I am going to make fun of him in the very next post. And that’s a promise.