
The Clampetts Move to Phoenix

Okay, so we might be a little redneck. And I say “we” in that affectionate, my-husband-is-so-I-am-by-association sort of way. I guess we have established already that we can light a fire with a blow torch and live in a trailer and enjoy NASCAR so it’s not a far stretch to imagine the “formal entryway” to our new home.

Allow me to share a picture.

Oh, what is that in the corner?  Is that the arcade game Big Buck Hunter? Why yes, it does appear to be Big Buck Hunter.  Let’s take a closer look…

Yep, definitely Big Buck Hunter (PRO! Open Season!).  It goes great with the brand-new keg fridge we installed in the kitchen.

To be fair, I should mention that we also installed a top-knotch wine fridge next to the keg fridge.  And also to be fair, the husband and I did make a deal regarding the Big Buck Hunter.

Husband got BBH.  I got a fancy new library in what used to be the breakfast nook.  And not just any fancy new library, but a library that my husband and his friends spent many hours perfecting into the beautiful, built-in materpiece that it is today.

Suddenly, our house is very popular with all of my husband’s friends.  And I don’t think it’s because of the library…

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